Appendix A. Data Model

What follows is the complete SymmetricDS data model. Note that all tables are prepended with a configurable prefix so that multiple instances of SymmetricDS may coexist in the same database. The default prefix is sym_.

SymmetricDS configuration is entered by the user into the data model to control the behavior of what data is synchronized to which nodes.

Configuration Data Model

Figure A.1. Configuration Data Model

At runtime, the configuration is used to capture data changes and route them to nodes. The data changes are placed together in a single unit called a batch that can be loaded by another node. Outgoing batches are delivered to nodes and acknowledged. Incoming batches are received and loaded. History is recorded for batch status changes and statistics.

Runtime Data Model

Figure A.2. Runtime Data Model


This table represents a category of data that can be synchronized independently of other channels. Channels allow control over the type of data flowing and prevents one type of synchronization from contending with another.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X A unique identifer, usually named something meaningful, like 'sales' or 'inventory'.
PROCESSING_ORDER INTEGER 1 X Order of sequence to process channel data.
MAX_BATCH_SIZE INTEGER 1000 X The maximum number of Data Events to process within a batch for this channel.
MAX_BATCH_TO_SEND INTEGER 60 X The maximum number of batches to send during a 'synchronization' between two nodes. A 'synchronization' is equivalent to a push or a pull. If there are 12 batches ready to be sent for a channel and max_batch_to_send is equal to 10, then only the first 10 batches will be sent.
MAX_DATA_TO_ROUTE INTEGER 100000 X The maximum number of data rows to route for a channel at a time.
EXTRACT_PERIOD_MILLIS INTEGER 0 X The minimum number of milliseconds allowed between attempts to extract data for targeted at a node_id.
ENABLED INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether channel is enabled or not.
USE_OLD_DATA_TO_ROUTE INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether to read the old data during routing.
USE_ROW_DATA_TO_ROUTE INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether to read the row data during routing.
USE_PK_DATA_TO_ROUTE INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether to read the pk data during routing.
RELOAD_FLAG INTEGER (1) 0 X Indicates that this channel is used for reloads.
FILE_SYNC_FLAG INTEGER (1) 0 X Indicates that this channel is used for file sync.
CONTAINS_BIG_LOB INTEGER (1) 0 X Provides SymmetricDS a hint on how to treat captured data. Currently only supported by Oracle. If set to '0', then selects for routing and data extraction will be more efficient and lobs will be truncated at 4k in the trigger text. When it is set to '0' there is a 4k limit on the total size of a row and on the size of a LOB column. Note, when switching this value back and forth triggers need to be forced to regenerate.
BATCH_ALGORITHM VARCHAR (50) default X The algorithm to use when batching data on this channel. Possible values are: 'default', 'transactional', and 'nontransactional'
DATA_LOADER_TYPE VARCHAR (50) default X Identify the type of data loader this channel should use. Allows for the default dataloader to be swapped out via configuration for more efficient platform specific data loaders.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR (255)    Description on the type of data carried in this channel.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.

Table A.1. CHANNEL


Defines how conflicts in row data should be handled during the load process.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
CONFLICT_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier for a specific conflict detection setting.
source_node_group_id VARCHAR (50)  FKX The source node group for which this setting will be applied to. References a node group link.
target_node_group_id VARCHAR (50)  FKX The target node group for which this setting will be applied to. References a node group link.
TARGET_CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128)    Optional channel that this setting will be applied to.
TARGET_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional database catalog that the target table belongs to. Only use this if the target table is not in the default catalog.
TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional database schema that the target table belongs to. Only use this if the target table is not in the default schema.
TARGET_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional database table that this setting will apply to. If left blank, the setting will be for any table in the channel (if set) and in the specified node group link.
DETECT_TYPE VARCHAR (128)  X Indicates the strategy to use for detecting conflicts during a dml action. The possible values are: use_pk_data (manual, fallback, ignore), use_changed_data (manual, fallback, ignore), use_old_data (manual, fallback, ignore), use_timestamp (newer_wins), use_version (newer_wins)
DETECT_EXPRESSION LONGVARCHAR     An expression that provides additional information about the detection mechanism. If the detection mechanism is use_timestamp or use_version then this expression will be the name of the timestamp or version column.
RESOLVE_TYPE VARCHAR (128)  X Indicates the strategy for resolving update conflicts. The possible values differ based on the detect_type that is specified.
PING_BACK VARCHAR (128)  X Indicates the strategy for sending resolved conflicts back to the source system. Possible values are: OFF, SINGLE_ROW, and REMAINING_ROWS.
RESOLVE_CHANGES_ONLY INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates that when applying changes during an update that only data that has changed should be applied. Otherwise, all the columns will be updated. This really only applies to updates.
RESOLVE_ROW_ONLY INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates that an action should take place for the entire batch if possible. This applies to a resolve type of 'ignore'. If a row is in conflict and the resolve type is 'ignore', then the entire batch will be ignored.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X The date and time when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X The date and time when a user last updated this entry.



The captured data change that occurred to a row in the database. Entries in data are created by database triggers.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
DATA_ID BIGINT  PK X Unique identifier for a data.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)  X The name of the table in which a change occurred that this entry records.
EVENT_TYPE CHAR (1)  X The type of event captured by this entry. For triggers, this is the change that occurred, which is 'I' for insert, 'U' for update, or 'D' for delete. Other events include: 'R' for reloading the entire table (or subset of the table) to the node; 'S' for running dynamic SQL at the node, which is used for adhoc administration.
ROW_DATA LONGVARCHAR     The captured data change from the synchronized table. The column values are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
PK_DATA LONGVARCHAR     The primary key values of the captured data change from the synchronized table. This data is captured for updates and deletes. The primary key values are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
OLD_DATA LONGVARCHAR     The captured data values prior to the update. The column values are stored in CSV format.
TRIGGER_HIST_ID INTEGER   X The foreign key to the trigger_hist entry that contains the primary key and column names for the table being synchronized.
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128)    The channel that this data belongs to, such as 'prices'
TRANSACTION_ID VARCHAR (255)    An optional transaction identifier that links multiple data changes together as the same transaction.
SOURCE_NODE_ID VARCHAR (50)    If the data was inserted by a SymmetricDS data loader, then the id of the source node is record so that data is not re-routed back to it.
EXTERNAL_DATA VARCHAR (50)    A field that can be populated by a trigger that uses the EXTERNAL_SELECT
NODE_LIST VARCHAR (255)    A field that can be populated with a comma separated subset of node ids which will be the only nodes available to the router
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.

Table A.3. DATA


Each row represents the mapping between a data change that was captured and the batch that contains it. Entries in data_event are created as part of the routing process.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
DATA_ID BIGINT  PK X Id of the data to be routed.
BATCH_ID BIGINT  PK X Id of the batch containing the data.
ROUTER_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Id of the router that routed this data_event.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.



Used only when is set to 'gap.' Table that tracks gaps in the data table so that they may be processed efficiently, if data shows up. Gaps can show up in the data table if a database transaction is rolled back.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
START_ID BIGINT  PK X The first missing data_id from the data table where a gap is detected. This could be the last data_id inserted plus one.
END_ID BIGINT  PK X The last missing data_id from the data table where a gap is detected. If the start_id is the last data_id inserted plus one, then this field is filled in with a -1.
STATUS CHAR (2)    GP, SK, or FL. GP means there is a detected gap. FL means that the gap has been filled. SK means that the gap has been skipped either because the gap expired or because no database transaction was detected which means that no data will be committed to fill in the gap.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_HOSTNAME VARCHAR (255)    The host who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.

Table A.5. DATA_GAP


This table is used internally to request the extract of initial loads asynchronously when the initial load extract job is enabled.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
REQUEST_ID BIGINT  PK X Unique identifier for a request.
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50)  X The node_id of the batch being loaded.
START_BATCH_ID BIGINT   X A load can be split across multiple batches. This is the first of N batches the load will be split across.
END_BATCH_ID BIGINT   X This is the last of N batches the load will be split across.
TRIGGER_ID VARCHAR (128)  X Unique identifier for a trigger associated with the extract request.
ROUTER_ID VARCHAR (50)  X Unique description of the router associated with the extract request.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a process last updated this entry.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.



As files are loaded from another node the file and source node are captured here for file sync to use to prevent file ping backs in bidirectional file synchronization.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
RELATIVE_DIR VARCHAR (255) PK X The path to the file starting at the base_dir and excluding the file name itself.
FILE_NAME VARCHAR (128) PK X The name of the file that has been loaded.
LAST_EVENT_TYPE CHAR (1)  X The type of event that caused the file to be loaded from another node. 'C' is for create, 'M' is for modified, and 'D' is for deleted.
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50)  X The node_id of the source of the batch being loaded.
FILE_MODIFIED_TIME BIGINT     The last modified time of the file at the time the file was loaded.



Table used to capture file changes. Updates to the table are captured and routed according to the configured file trigger routers.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
TRIGGER_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X The id of the trigger that caused this snapshot to be taken.
ROUTER_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X The id of the router that caused this snapshot to be taken.
RELATIVE_DIR VARCHAR (255) PK X The path to the file starting at the base_dir
FILE_NAME VARCHAR (128) PK X The name of the file that changed.
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) filesync X The channel_id of the channel that data changes will flow through.
RELOAD_CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) filesync_reload X The channel_id of the channel that data changes will flow through.
LAST_EVENT_TYPE CHAR (1)  X The type of event captured by this entry. 'C' is for create, 'M' is for modified, and 'D' is for deleted.
CRC32_CHECKSUM BIGINT     File checksum. Can be used to determine if file content has changed.
FILE_SIZE BIGINT     The size in bytes of the file at the time this change was detected.
FILE_MODIFIED_TIME BIGINT     The last modified time of the file at the time this change was detected.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.



This table defines files or sets of files for which changes will be captured for file synchronization

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
TRIGGER_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X Unique identifier for a trigger.
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) filesync X The channel_id of the channel that data changes will flow through.
RELOAD_CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) filesync_reload X The channel_id of the channel that will be used for reloads.
BASE_DIR VARCHAR (255)  X The base directory on the client that will be synchronized.
RECURSE INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether to synchronize child directories.
INCLUDES_FILES VARCHAR (255)    Wildcard-enabled, comma-separated list of file to include in synchronization.
EXCLUDES_FILES VARCHAR (255)    Wildcard-enabled, comma-separated list of file to exclude from synchronization.
SYNC_ON_CREATE INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether to capture and send files when they are created.
SYNC_ON_MODIFIED INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether to capture and send files when they are modified.
SYNC_ON_DELETE INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether to capture and remove files when they are deleted.
SYNC_ON_CTL_FILE INTEGER (1) 0 X Combined with sync_on_create, determines whether to capture and send files when a matching control file exists. The control file is a file of the same name with a '.ctl' extension appended to the end.
DELETE_AFTER_SYNC INTEGER (1) 0 X Determines whether to delete the file after it has synced successfully.
BEFORE_COPY_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     A bsh script that is run right before the file copy.
AFTER_COPY_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     A bsh script that is run right after the file copy.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp of when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp of when a user last updated this entry.



Maps a file trigger to a router.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
trigger_id VARCHAR (128) PK FKX The id of a file trigger.
router_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX The id of a router.
ENABLED INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether this file trigger router is enabled or not.
INITIAL_LOAD_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether this file trigger should be initial loaded.
TARGET_BASE_DIR VARCHAR (255)    The base directory on the destination that files will be synchronized to.
CONFLICT_STRATEGY VARCHAR (128) source_wins X The strategy to employ when a file has been modified at both the client and the server. Possible values are: source_wins, target_wins, manual
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



This tables defines named groups to which nodes can belong to based on their external id. Grouplets are used to designate that synchronization should only affect an explicit subset of nodes in a node group.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
GROUPLET_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier for the grouplet.
GROUPLET_LINK_POLICY CHAR (1) I X Specified whether the external ids in the grouplet_link are included in the group or excluded from the grouplet. In the case of excluded, the grouplet starts with all external ids and removes the excluded ones listed. Use 'I' for inclusive and 'E' for exclusive.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR (255)    A description of this grouplet.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.

Table A.11. GROUPLET


This tables defines nodes belong to a grouplet based on their

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
grouplet_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX Unique identifier for the grouplet.
EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Provides a means to select the nodes that belong to a grouplet.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



The incoming_batch is used for tracking the status of loading an outgoing_batch from another node. Data is loaded and commited at the batch level. The status of the incoming_batch is either successful (OK) or error (ER).

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
BATCH_ID BIGINT (50) PK X The id of the outgoing_batch that is being loaded.
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X The node_id of the source of the batch being loaded.
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128)    The channel_id of the batch being loaded.
STATUS CHAR (2)    The current status of the batch can be loading (LD), successfully loaded (OK), in error (ER) or skipped (SK)
ERROR_FLAG INTEGER (1) 0   A flag that indicates that this batch was in error during the last synchornization attempt.
NETWORK_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent transfering this batch across the network.
FILTER_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent in filters processing data.
DATABASE_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent loading the data into the target database.
FAILED_ROW_NUMBER BIGINT 0 X This numbered data event that failed as read from the CSV.
FAILED_LINE_NUMBER BIGINT 0 X The current line number in the CSV for this batch that failed.
BYTE_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of bytes that were sent as part of this batch.
STATEMENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of statements run to load this batch.
FALLBACK_INSERT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times an update was turned into an insert because the data was not already in the target database.
FALLBACK_UPDATE_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times an insert was turned into an update because a data row already existed in the target database.
IGNORE_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times a row was ignored.
MISSING_DELETE_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times a delete did not affect the database because the row was already deleted.
SKIP_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times a batch was sent and skipped because it had already been loaded according to incoming_batch.
SQL_STATE VARCHAR (10)    For a status of error (ER), this is the XOPEN or SQL 99 SQL State.
SQL_CODE INTEGER 0 X For a status of error (ER), this is the error code from the database that is specific to the vendor.
SQL_MESSAGE LONGVARCHAR     For a status of error (ER), this is the error message that describes the error.
LAST_UPDATE_HOSTNAME VARCHAR (255)    The host name of the process that last did work on this batch.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a process last updated this entry.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.



The captured data change that is in error for a batch. The user can tell the system what to do by updating the resolve columns. Entries in data_error are created when an incoming batch encounters an error.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
BATCH_ID BIGINT (50) PK X The id of the outgoing_batch that is being loaded.
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X The node_id of the source of the batch being loaded.
FAILED_ROW_NUMBER BIGINT  PK X The row number in the batch that encountered an error when loading.
FAILED_LINE_NUMBER BIGINT 0 X The current line number in the CSV for this batch that failed.
TARGET_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    The catalog name for the table being loaded.
TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    The schema name for the table being loaded.
TARGET_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)  X The table name for the table being loaded.
EVENT_TYPE CHAR (1)  X The type of event captured by this entry. For triggers, this is the change that occurred, which is 'I' for insert, 'U' for update, or 'D' for delete. Other events include: 'R' for reloading the entire table (or subset of the table) to the node; 'S' for running dynamic SQL at the node, which is used for adhoc administration.
BINARY_ENCODING VARCHAR (10) HEX X The type of encoding the source system used for encoding binary data.
COLUMN_NAMES LONGVARCHAR   X The column names defined on the table. The column names are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
PK_COLUMN_NAMES LONGVARCHAR   X The primary key column names defined on the table. The column names are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
ROW_DATA LONGVARCHAR     The row data from the batch as captured from the source. The column values are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
OLD_DATA LONGVARCHAR     The old row data prior to update from the batch as captured from the source. The column values are stored in CSV format.
CUR_DATA LONGVARCHAR     The current row data that caused the error to occur. The column values are stored in CSV format.
RESOLVE_DATA LONGVARCHAR     The capture data change from the user that is used instead of row_data. This is useful when resolving a conflict manually by specifying the data that should load.
RESOLVE_IGNORE INTEGER (1) 0   Indication from the user that the row_data should be ignored and the batch can continue loading with the next row.
CONFLICT_ID VARCHAR (50)    Unique identifier for the conflict detection setting that caused the error
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



A table that allows you to dynamically define filters using bsh.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
LOAD_FILTER_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X The id of the load filter.
LOAD_FILTER_TYPE VARCHAR (10)  X The type of load filter. Currently 'bsh'. May add 'sql' in the future.
SOURCE_NODE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR (50)  X The source node group for the filter.
TARGET_NODE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR (50)  X The destination node group for the filter.
TARGET_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the catalog the configured table is in.
TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the schema a configured table is in.
TARGET_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)    The name of the target table that will trigger the bsh filter.
FILTER_ON_UPDATE INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether or not the filter should apply on an update.
FILTER_ON_INSERT INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether or not the filter should apply on an insert.
FILTER_ON_DELETE INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether or not the filter should apply on a delete.
BEFORE_WRITE_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     The script to apply before the write is completed.
AFTER_WRITE_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     The script to apply after the write is completed.
BATCH_COMPLETE_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     The script to apply on batch complete.
BATCH_COMMIT_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     The script to apply on batch commit.
BATCH_ROLLBACK_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     The script to apply on batch rollback.
HANDLE_ERROR_SCRIPT LONGVARCHAR     The script to apply when data cannot be processed.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.
LOAD_FILTER_ORDER INTEGER 1 X Specifies the order in which to apply load filters if more than one target operation occurs.
FAIL_ON_ERROR INTEGER (1) 0 X Whether we should fail the batch if the filter fails.


A.16. LOCK

Contains semaphores that are set when processes run, so that only one server can run a process at a time. Enable this feature by using the cluster.lock.during.xxxx parameters.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
LOCK_ACTION VARCHAR (50) PK X The process that needs a lock.
LOCK_TYPE VARCHAR (50)  X Type of lock that indicates differently locking behavior. Types include cluster, exclusive, and shared. Cluster lock is used to allow one server to run at a time, but any process from the same server can overtake the lock, which avoids stalled processing. Exclusive lock is owned by one process, regardless of which server it is on, but another process can acquire the lock after lock_time is older than Shared lock allows multiple processes to use the same lock, incrementing the shared_count, but requires no exclusive lock exists and prevents an exclusive lock.
LOCKING_SERVER_ID VARCHAR (255)    The name of the server that currently has a lock. This is typically a host name, but it can be overridden using the System property.
LOCK_TIME TIMESTAMP     The time a lock is aquired. Use the to specify a lock timeout period.
SHARED_COUNT INTEGER 0 X For a lock_type of SHARED, this is the number of processes sharing the same lock. After the shared_count drops to zero, a shared lock is removed.
SHARED_ENABLE INTEGER 0 X For a lock_type of SHARED, this flag set to 1 indicates that more processes can share the lock. If an exclusive lock is needed, the flag is set to 0 to prevent further shared locks from accumulating.
LAST_LOCK_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a process last updated this entry.
LAST_LOCKING_SERVER_ID VARCHAR (255)    The server id of the process that last did work on this batch.

Table A.16. LOCK

A.17. NODE

Representation of an instance of SymmetricDS that synchronizes data with one or more additional nodes. Each node has a unique identifier (nodeId) that is used when communicating, as well as a domain-specific identifier (externalId) that provides context within the local system.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X A unique identifier for a node.
NODE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR (50)  X The node group that this node belongs to, such as 'store'.
EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR (50)  X A domain-specific identifier for context within the local system. For example, the retail store number.
SYNC_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates whether this node should be sent synchronization. Disabled nodes are ignored by the triggers, so no entries are made in data_event for the node.
SYNC_URL VARCHAR (255)    The URL to contact the node for synchronization.
SCHEMA_VERSION VARCHAR (50)    The version of the database schema this node manages. Useful for specifying synchronization by version.
SYMMETRIC_VERSION VARCHAR (50)    The version of SymmetricDS running at this node.
DATABASE_TYPE VARCHAR (50)    The database product name at this node as reported by JDBC.
DATABASE_VERSION VARCHAR (50)    The database product version at this node as reported by JDBC.
HEARTBEAT_TIME TIMESTAMP     Deprecated. Use node_host.heartbeat_time instead.
TIMEZONE_OFFSET VARCHAR (6)    Deprecated. Use node_host.timezone_offset instead.
BATCH_TO_SEND_COUNT INTEGER 0   The number of outgoing batches that have not yet been sent. This field is updated as part of the heartbeat job if the heartbeat.update.node.with.batch.status property is set to true.
BATCH_IN_ERROR_COUNT INTEGER 0   The number of outgoing batches that are in error at this node. This field is updated as part of the heartbeat job if the heartbeat.update.node.with.batch.status property is set to true.
CREATED_AT_NODE_ID VARCHAR (50)    The node_id of the node where this node was created. This is typically filled automatically with the node_id found in node_identity where registration was opened for the node.
DEPLOYMENT_TYPE VARCHAR (50)    An indicator as to the type of SymmetricDS software that is running. Possible values are, but not limited to: engine, standalone, war, professional, mobile

Table A.17. NODE


This table is used to coordinate communication with other nodes.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier for a node.
COMMUNICATION_TYPE VARCHAR (10) PK X The type of communication that is taking place with this node. Valid values are: PULL, PUSH
LOCK_TIME TIMESTAMP     The timestamp when this node was locked
LOCKING_SERVER_ID VARCHAR (255)    The name of the server that currently has a pull lock for the node. This is typically a host name, but it can be overridden using the System property.
LAST_LOCK_TIME TIMESTAMP     The timestamp when this node was last locked
LAST_LOCK_MILLIS BIGINT 0   The amount of time the last communication took.
SUCCESS_COUNT BIGINT 0   The number of successive successful communication attempts.
FAIL_COUNT BIGINT 0   The number of successive failed communication attempts.
TOTAL_SUCCESS_COUNT BIGINT 0   The total number of successful communication attempts with the node.
TOTAL_FAIL_COUNT BIGINT 0   The total number of failed communication attempts with the node.
TOTAL_SUCCESS_MILLIS BIGINT 0   The total amount of time spent during successful communication attempts with the node.
TOTAL_FAIL_MILLIS BIGINT 0   The total amount of time spent during failed communication attempts with the node.



Used to ignore or suspend a channel. A channel that is ignored will have its data_events batched and they will immediately be marked as 'OK' without sending them. A channel that is suspended is skipped when batching data_events.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier for a node.
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X The name of the channel_id that is being controlled.
SUSPEND_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates if this channel is suspended, which prevents its Data Events from being batched.
IGNORE_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates if this channel is ignored, which marks its Data Events as if they were actually processed.
LAST_EXTRACT_TIME TIMESTAMP     Record the last time data was extract for a node and a channel.



A category of Nodes that synchronizes data with one or more NodeGroups. A common use of NodeGroup is to describe a level in a hierarchy of data synchronization.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier for a node group, usually named something meaningful, like 'store' or 'warehouse'.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR (255)    A description of this node group.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.

Table A.20. NODE_GROUP


An optional window of time for which a node group and channel will extract and send data.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X The node_group_id that this window applies to.
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X The channel_id that this window applies to.
START_TIME TIME  PK X The start time for the active window.
END_TIME TIME  PK X The end time for the active window. Note that if the end_time is less than the start_time then the window crosses a day boundary.
ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0 X Enable this window. If this is set to '0' then this window is ignored.



A source node_group sends its data updates to a target NodeGroup using a pull, push, or custom technique.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
source_node_group_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX The node group where data changes should be captured.
target_node_group_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX The node group where data changes will be sent.
DATA_EVENT_ACTION CHAR (1) W X The notification scheme used to send data changes to the target node group. (P = Push, W = Wait for Pull, R = Route-Only)
SYNC_CONFIG_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 1   Indicates whether configuration that has changed should be synchronized to target nodes on this link.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



Representation of an physical workstation or server that is hosting the SymmetricDS software. In a clustered environment there may be more than one entry per node in this table.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
node_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX A unique identifier for a node.
HOST_NAME VARCHAR (60) PK X The host name of a workstation or server. If more than one instance of SymmetricDS runs on the same server, then this value can be a 'server id' specified by
IP_ADDRESS VARCHAR (50)    The ip address for the host.
OS_USER VARCHAR (50)    The user SymmetricDS is running under
OS_NAME VARCHAR (50)    The name of the OS
OS_ARCH VARCHAR (50)    The hardware architecture of the OS
OS_VERSION VARCHAR (50)    The version of the OS
AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS INTEGER 0   The number of processors available to use.
FREE_MEMORY_BYTES BIGINT 0   The amount of free memory available to the JVM.
TOTAL_MEMORY_BYTES BIGINT 0   The amount of total memory available to the JVM.
MAX_MEMORY_BYTES BIGINT 0   The max amount of memory available to the JVM.
JAVA_VERSION VARCHAR (50)    The version of java that SymmetricDS is running as.
JAVA_VENDOR VARCHAR (255)    The vendor of java that SymmetricDS is running as.
JDBC_VERSION VARCHAR (255)    The verision of the JDBC driver that is being used.
SYMMETRIC_VERSION VARCHAR (50)    The version of SymmetricDS running at this node.
TIMEZONE_OFFSET VARCHAR (6)    The time zone offset in RFC822 format at the time of the last heartbeat.
HEARTBEAT_TIME TIMESTAMP     The last timestamp when the node sent a heartbeat, which is attempted every ten minutes by default.
LAST_RESTART_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this instance was last restarted.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.

Table A.23. NODE_HOST


NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X A unique identifier for a node.
HOST_NAME VARCHAR (60) PK X The host name of a workstation or server. If more than one instance of SymmetricDS runs on the same server, then this value can be a 'server id' specified by
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X The channel_id of the channel that data changes will flow through.
START_TIME TIMESTAMP  PK X The start time for the period which this row represents.
END_TIME TIMESTAMP  PK X The end time for the period which this row represents.
DATA_ROUTED BIGINT 0   Indicate the number of data rows that have been routed during this period.
DATA_UNROUTED BIGINT 0   The amount of data that has not yet been routed at the time this stats row was recorded.
DATA_EVENT_INSERTED BIGINT 0   Indicate the number of data rows that have been routed during this period.
DATA_EXTRACTED BIGINT 0   The number of data rows that were extracted during this time period.
DATA_BYTES_EXTRACTED BIGINT 0   The number of bytes that were extracted during this time period.
DATA_EXTRACTED_ERRORS BIGINT 0   The number of errors that occurred during extraction during this time period.
DATA_BYTES_SENT BIGINT 0   The number of bytes that were sent during this time period.
DATA_SENT BIGINT 0   The number of rows that were sent during this time period.
DATA_SENT_ERRORS BIGINT 0   The number of errors that occurred while sending during this time period.
DATA_LOADED BIGINT 0   The number of rows that were loaded during this time period.
DATA_BYTES_LOADED BIGINT 0   The number of bytes that were loaded during this time period.
DATA_LOADED_ERRORS BIGINT 0   The number of errors that occurred while loading during this time period.



NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X A unique identifier for a node.
HOST_NAME VARCHAR (60) PK X The host name of a workstation or server. If more than one instance of SymmetricDS runs on the same server, then this value can be a 'server id' specified by
JOB_NAME VARCHAR (50) PK X The name of the job.
START_TIME TIMESTAMP  PK X The start time for the period which this row represents.
END_TIME TIMESTAMP  PK X The end time for the period which this row represents.
PROCESSED_COUNT BIGINT 0   The number of items that were processed during the job run.



NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X A unique identifier for a node.
HOST_NAME VARCHAR (60) PK X The host name of a workstation or server. If more than one instance of SymmetricDS runs on the same server, then this value can be a 'server id' specified by
START_TIME TIMESTAMP  PK X The end time for the period which this row represents.
RESTARTED BIGINT 0 X Indicate that a restart occurred during this period.



After registration, this table will have one row representing the identity of the node. For a root node, the row is entered by the user.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
node_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX Unique identifier for a node.



Security features like node passwords and open registration flag are stored in the node_security table.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
node_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX Unique identifier for a node.
NODE_PASSWORD VARCHAR (50)  X The password used by the node to prove its identity during synchronization.
REGISTRATION_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates whether registration is open for this node. Re-registration may be forced for a node if this is set back to '1' in a parent database for the node_id that should be re-registred.
REGISTRATION_TIME TIMESTAMP     The timestamp when this node was last registered.
INITIAL_LOAD_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates whether an initial load will be sent to this node.
INITIAL_LOAD_TIME TIMESTAMP     The timestamp when an initial load was started for this node.
INITIAL_LOAD_ID BIGINT     A reference to the load_id in outgoing_batch for the last load that occurred.
INITIAL_LOAD_CREATE_BY VARCHAR (255)    The user that created the initial load. A null value means that the system created the batch.
REV_INITIAL_LOAD_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates that this node should send a reverse initial load.
REV_INITIAL_LOAD_TIME TIMESTAMP     The timestamp when this node last sent an initial load.
REV_INITIAL_LOAD_ID BIGINT     A reference to the load_id in outgoing_batch for the last reverse load that occurred.
REV_INITIAL_LOAD_CREATE_BY VARCHAR (255)    The user that created the reverse initial load. A null value means that the system created the batch.
CREATED_AT_NODE_ID VARCHAR (50)  X The node_id of the node where this node was created. This is typically filled automatically with the node_id found in node_identity where registration was opened for the node.



Used for tracking the sending a collection of data to a node in the system. A new outgoing_batch is created and given a status of 'NE'. After sending the outgoing_batch to its target node, the status becomes 'SE'. The node responds with either a success status of 'OK' or an error status of 'ER'. An error while sending to the node also results in an error status of 'ER' regardless of whether the node sends that acknowledgement.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
BATCH_ID BIGINT  PK X A unique id for the batch.
NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X The node that this batch is targeted at.
CHANNEL_ID VARCHAR (128)    The channel that this batch is part of.
STATUS CHAR (2)    The current status of a batch can be routing (RT), newly created and ready for replication (NE), being queried from the database (QY), sent to a Node (SE), ready to be loaded (LD) and acknowledged as successful (OK), ignored (IG) or in error (ER).
LOAD_ID BIGINT     An id that ties multiple batches together to identify them as being part of an initial load.
EXTRACT_JOB_FLAG INTEGER (1) 0   A flag that indicates that this batch is going to be extracted by another job.
LOAD_FLAG INTEGER (1) 0   A flag that indicates that this batch is part of an initial load.
ERROR_FLAG INTEGER (1) 0   A flag that indicates that this batch was in error during the last synchornization attempt.
COMMON_FLAG INTEGER (1) 0   A flag that indicates that the data in this batch is shared by other nodes (they will have the same batch_id). Shared batches will be extracted to a common location.
IGNORE_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times a batch was ignored.
BYTE_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of bytes that were sent as part of this batch.
EXTRACT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times this an attempt to extract this batch occurred.
SENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times this batch was sent. A batch can be sent multiple times if an ACK is not received.
LOAD_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of times an attempt to load this batch occurred.
DATA_EVENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of data_events that are part of this batch.
RELOAD_EVENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of reload events that are part of this batch.
INSERT_EVENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of insert events that are part of this batch.
UPDATE_EVENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of update events that are part of this batch.
DELETE_EVENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of delete events that are part of this batch.
OTHER_EVENT_COUNT BIGINT 0 X The number of other event types that are part of this batch. This includes any events types that are not a reload, insert, update or delete event type.
ROUTER_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent creating this batch.
NETWORK_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent transfering this batch across the network.
FILTER_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent in filters processing data.
LOAD_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent loading the data into the target database.
EXTRACT_MILLIS BIGINT 0 X The number of milliseconds spent extracting the data out of the source database.
SQL_STATE VARCHAR (10)    For a status of error (ER), this is the XOPEN or SQL 99 SQL State.
SQL_CODE INTEGER 0 X For a status of error (ER), this is the error code from the database that is specific to the vendor.
SQL_MESSAGE LONGVARCHAR     For a status of error (ER), this is the error message that describes the error.
FAILED_DATA_ID BIGINT 0 X For a status of error (ER), this is the data_id that was being processed when the batch failed.
FAILED_LINE_NUMBER BIGINT 0 X The current line number in the CSV for this batch that failed.
LAST_UPDATE_HOSTNAME VARCHAR (255)    The host name of the process that last did work on this batch.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a process last updated this entry.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
CREATE_BY VARCHAR (255)    The user that created the batch. A null value means that the system created the batch.



Provides a way to manage most SymmetricDS settings in the database.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Target the parameter at a specific external id. To target all nodes, use the value of 'ALL.'
NODE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Target the parameter at a specific node group id. To target all groups, use the value of 'ALL.'
PARAM_KEY VARCHAR (80) PK X The name of the parameter.
PARAM_VALUE LONGVARCHAR     The value of the parameter.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



Provides a way for a centralized registration server to redirect registering nodes to their prospective parent node in a multi-tiered deployment.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
REGISTRANT_EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Maps the external id of a registration request to a different parent node.
REGISTRATION_NODE_ID VARCHAR (50)  X The node_id of the node that a registration request should be redirected to.



Audits when a node registers or attempts to register.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
NODE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X The node group that this node belongs to, such as 'store'.
EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X A domain-specific identifier for context within the local system. For example, the retail store number.
STATUS CHAR (2)  X The current status of the registration attempt. Valid statuses are NR (not registered), IG (ignored), OK (sucessful)
HOST_NAME VARCHAR (60)  X The host name of a workstation or server. If more than one instance of SymmetricDS runs on the same server, then this value can be a 'server id' specified by
IP_ADDRESS VARCHAR (50)  X The ip address for the host.
ATTEMPT_COUNT INTEGER 0   The number of registration attempts.
REGISTERED_NODE_ID VARCHAR (50)    A unique identifier for a node.
ERROR_MESSAGE LONGVARCHAR     Record any errors or warnings that occurred when attempting to register.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP  PK X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



Configure a type of router from one node group to another. Note that routers are mapped to triggers through trigger_routers.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
ROUTER_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique description of a specific router
TARGET_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the catalog a target table is in. Only use this if the target table is not in the default catalog. If this field is left blank, then the source_catalog_name for the trigger will be used as the target name. If the target name should be left blank and the source name is set, then the token of $(none) may be used to force the target name to be blanked out.
TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name of the schema a target table is in. On use this if the target table is not in the default schema. If this field is left blank, then the source_schema_name for the trigger will be used as the target name. If the target name should be left blank and the source name is set, then the token of $(none) may be used to force the target name to be blanked out.
TARGET_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for a target table. Only use this if the target table name is different than the source.
source_node_group_id VARCHAR (50)  FKX Routers with this node_group_id will install triggers that are mapped to this router.
target_node_group_id VARCHAR (50)  FKX The node_group_id for nodes to route data to. Note that routing can be further narrowed down by the configured router_type and router_expression.
ROUTER_TYPE VARCHAR (50)    The name of a specific type of router. Out of the box routers are 'default','column','bsh', 'subselect' and 'audit.' Custom routers can be configured as extension points.
ROUTER_EXPRESSION LONGVARCHAR     An expression that is specific to the type of router that is configured in router_type. See the documentation for each router for more details.
SYNC_ON_UPDATE INTEGER (1) 1 X Flag that indicates that this router should route updates.
SYNC_ON_INSERT INTEGER (1) 1 X Flag that indicates that this router should route inserts.
SYNC_ON_DELETE INTEGER (1) 1 X Flag that indicates that this router should route deletes.
USE_SOURCE_CATALOG_SCHEMA INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether or not to assume that the target catalog/schema name should be the same as the source catalog/schema name. The target catalog or schema name will still override if not blank.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.

Table A.33. ROUTER


A table that supports application level sequence numbering.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
SEQUENCE_NAME VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier of a specific sequence.
CURRENT_VALUE BIGINT 0 X The current value of the sequence.
INCREMENT_BY INTEGER 1 X Specify the interval between sequence numbers. This integer value can be any positive or negative integer, but it cannot be 0.
MIN_VALUE BIGINT 1 X Specify the minimum value of the sequence.
MAX_VALUE BIGINT 9999999999 X Specify the maximum value the sequence can generate.
CYCLE INTEGER (1) 0   Indicate whether the sequence should automatically cycle once a boundary is hit.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.

Table A.34. SEQUENCE


This table acts as a means to queue up a reload of a specific table. Either the target or the source node may insert into this table to queue up a load. If the target node inserts into the table, then the row will be synchronized to the source node and the reload events will be queued up during routing.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
TARGET_NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier for the node to receive the table reload.
SOURCE_NODE_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier for the node that will be the source of the table reload.
TRIGGER_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X Unique identifier for a trigger associated with the table reload. Note the trigger must be linked to the router.
ROUTER_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique description of the router associated with the table reload. Note the router must be linked to the trigger.
RELOAD_SELECT LONGVARCHAR     Overrides the initial load select.
RELOAD_DELETE_STMT LONGVARCHAR     Overrides the initial load delete statement.
RELOAD_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates that a reload should be queued up.
RELOAD_TIME TIMESTAMP     The timestamp when the reload was started for this node.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



Defines a data loader transformation which can be used to map arbitrary tables and columns to other tables and columns.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
TRANSFORM_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier of a specific transform.
source_node_group_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX The node group where data changes are captured.
target_node_group_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX The node group where data changes will be sent.
TRANSFORM_POINT VARCHAR (10)  X The point during the transport of captured data that a transform happens. Support values are EXTRACT or LOAD.
SOURCE_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the catalog the configured table is in.
SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the schema a configured table is in.
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)  X The name of the source table that will be transformed.
TARGET_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the catalog a target table is in. Only use this if the target table is not in the default catalog.
TARGET_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name of the schema a target table is in. Only use this if the target table is not in the default schema.
TARGET_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)    The name of the target table.
UPDATE_FIRST INTEGER (1) 0   If true, the target actions are attempted as updates first, regardless of whether the source operation was an insert or an update.
DELETE_ACTION VARCHAR (10)  X An action to take upon delete of a row. Possible values are: DEL_ROW, UPDATE_COL, or NONE.
TRANSFORM_ORDER INTEGER 1 X Specifies the order in which to apply transforms if more than one target operation occurs.
COLUMN_POLICY VARCHAR (10) SPECIFIED X Specifies whether all columns need to be specified or whether they are implied. Possible values are SPECIFIED or IMPLIED.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



Defines the column mappings and optional data transformation for a data loader transformation.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
TRANSFORM_ID VARCHAR (50) PK X Unique identifier of a specific transform.
INCLUDE_ON CHAR (1) *PK X Indicates whether this mapping is included during an insert (I), update (U), delete (D) operation at the target based on the dml type at the source. A value of * represents the fact that you want to map the column for all operations.
TARGET_COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR (128) PK X Name of the target column.
SOURCE_COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR (128)    Name of the source column.
PK INTEGER (1) 0   Indicates whether this mapping defines a primary key to be used to identify the target row. At least one row must be defined as a pk for each transform_id.
TRANSFORM_TYPE VARCHAR (50) copy   The name of a specific type of transform. Custom transformers can be configured as extension points.
TRANSFORM_EXPRESSION LONGVARCHAR     An expression that is specific to the type of transform that is configured in transform_type. See the documentation for each transformer for more details.
TRANSFORM_ORDER INTEGER 1 X Specifies the order in which to apply transforms if more than one target operation occurs.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP     Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



Configures database triggers that capture changes in the database. Configuration of which triggers are generated for which tables is stored here. Triggers are created in a node's database if the source_node_group_id of a router is mapped to a row in this table.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
TRIGGER_ID VARCHAR (128) PK X Unique identifier for a trigger.
SOURCE_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the catalog the configured table is in.
SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    Optional name for the schema a configured table is in.
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)  X The name of the source table that will have a trigger installed to watch for data changes.
channel_id VARCHAR (128)  FKX The channel_id of the channel that data changes will flow through.
reload_channel_id VARCHAR (128) reload FKX The channel_id of the channel that will be used for reloads.
SYNC_ON_UPDATE INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether or not to install an update trigger.
SYNC_ON_INSERT INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether or not to install an insert trigger.
SYNC_ON_DELETE INTEGER (1) 1 X Whether or not to install an delete trigger.
SYNC_ON_INCOMING_BATCH INTEGER (1) 0 X Whether or not an incoming batch that loads data into this table should cause the triggers to capture data_events. Be careful turning this on, because an update loop is possible.
NAME_FOR_UPDATE_TRIGGER VARCHAR (255)    Override the default generated name for the update trigger.
NAME_FOR_INSERT_TRIGGER VARCHAR (255)    Override the default generated name for the insert trigger.
NAME_FOR_DELETE_TRIGGER VARCHAR (255)    Override the default generated name for the delete trigger.
SYNC_ON_UPDATE_CONDITION LONGVARCHAR     Specify a condition for the update trigger firing using an expression specific to the database.
SYNC_ON_INSERT_CONDITION LONGVARCHAR     Specify a condition for the insert trigger firing using an expression specific to the database.
SYNC_ON_DELETE_CONDITION LONGVARCHAR     Specify a condition for the delete trigger firing using an expression specific to the database.
CUSTOM_ON_UPDATE_TEXT LONGVARCHAR     Specify update trigger text to execute after the SymmetricDS trigger text runs. This field is not applicable for H2, HSQLDB 1.x or Apachy Derby.
CUSTOM_ON_INSERT_TEXT LONGVARCHAR     Specify insert trigger text to execute after the SymmetricDS trigger text runs. This field is not applicable for H2, HSQLDB 1.x or Apachy Derby.
CUSTOM_ON_DELETE_TEXT LONGVARCHAR     Specify delete trigger text to execute after the SymmetricDS trigger text runs. This field is not applicable for H2, HSQLDB 1.x or Apachy Derby.
EXTERNAL_SELECT LONGVARCHAR     Specify a SQL select statement that returns a single result. It will be used in the generated database trigger to populate the EXTERNAL_DATA field on the data table.
TX_ID_EXPRESSION LONGVARCHAR     Override the default expression for the transaction identifier that groups the data changes that were committed together.
CHANNEL_EXPRESSION LONGVARCHAR     An expression that will be used to capture the channel id in the trigger. This expression will only be used if the channel_id is set to 'dynamic.'
EXCLUDED_COLUMN_NAMES LONGVARCHAR     Specify a comma-delimited list of columns that should not be synchronized from this table. Note that if a primary key is found in this list, it will be ignored.
SYNC_KEY_NAMES LONGVARCHAR     Specify a comma-delimited list of columns that should be used as the key for synchronization operations. By default, if not specified, then the primary key of the table will be used.
USE_STREAM_LOBS INTEGER (1) 0 X Specifies whether to capture lob data as the trigger is firing or to stream lob columns from the source tables using callbacks during extraction. A value of 1 indicates to stream from the source via callback; a value of 0, lob data is captured by the trigger.
USE_CAPTURE_LOBS INTEGER (1) 0 X Provides a hint as to whether this trigger will capture big lobs data. If set to 1 every effort will be made during data capture in trigger and during data selection for initial load to use lob facilities to extract and store data in the database. On Oracle, this may need to be set to 1 to get around 4k concatenation errors during data capture and during initial load.
USE_CAPTURE_OLD_DATA INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether this trigger should capture and send the old data (previous state of the row before the change).
USE_HANDLE_KEY_UPDATES INTEGER (1) 0 X Allows handling of primary key updates (SQLServer dialect only)
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.

Table A.38. TRIGGER


A history of a table's definition and the trigger used to capture data from the table. When a database trigger captures a data change, it references a trigger_hist entry so it is possible to know which columns the data represents. trigger_hist entries are made during the sync trigger process, which runs at each startup, each night in the syncTriggersJob, or any time the syncTriggers() JMX method is manually invoked. A new entry is made when a table definition or a trigger definition is changed, which causes a database trigger to be created or rebuilt.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
TRIGGER_HIST_ID INTEGER  PK X Unique identifier for a trigger_hist entry
TRIGGER_ID VARCHAR (128)  X Unique identifier for a trigger
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR (255)  X The name of the source table that will have a trigger installed to watch for data changes.
SOURCE_CATALOG_NAME VARCHAR (255)    The catalog name where the source table resides.
SOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR (255)    The schema name where the source table resides.
NAME_FOR_UPDATE_TRIGGER VARCHAR (255)    The name used when the insert trigger was created.
NAME_FOR_INSERT_TRIGGER VARCHAR (255)    The name used when the update trigger was created.
NAME_FOR_DELETE_TRIGGER VARCHAR (255)    The name used when the delete trigger was created.
TABLE_HASH BIGINT 0 X A hash of the table definition, used to detect changes in the definition.
TRIGGER_ROW_HASH BIGINT 0 X A hash of the trigger definition. If changes are detected to the values that affect a trigger definition, then the trigger will be regenerated.
TRIGGER_TEMPLATE_HASH BIGINT 0 X A hash of the trigger text. If changes are detected to the values that affect a trigger text then the trigger will be regenerated.
COLUMN_NAMES LONGVARCHAR   X The column names defined on the table. The column names are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
PK_COLUMN_NAMES LONGVARCHAR   X The primary key column names defined on the table. The column names are stored in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
LAST_TRIGGER_BUILD_REASON CHAR (1)  X The following reasons for a change are possible: New trigger that has not been created before (N); Schema changes in the table were detected (S); Configuration changes in Trigger (C); Trigger was missing (T).
ERROR_MESSAGE LONGVARCHAR     Record any errors or warnings that occurred when attempting to build the trigger.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
INACTIVE_TIME TIMESTAMP     The date and time when a trigger was inactivated.



Map a trigger to a router.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
trigger_id VARCHAR (128) PK FKX The id of a trigger.
router_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX The id of a router.
ENABLED INTEGER (1) 1 X Indicates whether this trigger router is enabled or not.
INITIAL_LOAD_ORDER INTEGER 1 X Order sequence of this table when an initial load is sent to a node. If this value is the same for multiple tables, then SymmetricDS will attempt to order the tables according to FK constraints. If this value is set to a negative number, then the table will be excluded from an initial load.
INITIAL_LOAD_SELECT LONGVARCHAR     Optional expression that can be used to pare down the data selected from a table during the initial load process.
INITIAL_LOAD_DELETE_STMT LONGVARCHAR     The expression that is used to delete data when an initial load occurs. If this field is empty, no delete will occur before the initial load. If this field is not empty, the text will be used as a sql statement and executed for the initial load delete.
INITIAL_LOAD_BATCH_COUNT INTEGER 1   Only applicable if the initial load extract job is enabled. The number of batches to split an initial load of a table across. If 0 then a select count(*) will be used to dynamically determine the number of batches based on the max_batch_size of the reload channel.
PING_BACK_ENABLED INTEGER (1) 0 X When enabled, the node will route data that originated from a node back to that node. This attribute is only effective if sync_on_incoming_batch is set to 1.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.



This tables defines what grouplets are associated with what trigger routers. The existence of the grouplet for a trigger_router enables nodes associated with the grouplet and at the same time it disables the trigger router for all other nodes.

NameType / SizeDefaultPK FKnot nullDescription
grouplet_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX Unique identifier for the grouplet.
trigger_id VARCHAR (128) PK FKX The id of a trigger.
router_id VARCHAR (50) PK FKX The id of a router.
APPLIES_WHEN CHAR (1) PK X Indicates the side that a grouplet should be applied to. Use 'T' for target and 'S' for source and 'B' for both source and target.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when this entry was created.
LAST_UPDATE_BY VARCHAR (50)    The user who last updated this entry.
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   X Timestamp when a user last updated this entry.