The professional edition of SymmetricDS 3.5 will be released soon, and it includes some great new features and improvements, including file synchronization, Sybase database support, and user interface enhancements.
Sybase Database Synchronization
Expanding our multiple platform support, this release will synchronize with Sybase databases, both Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) and Sybase Adaptive SQL Anywhere (ASA). Sybase ASE is an enterprise class relational database suited for large central office deployments that need features and performance. Sybase ASA is a small footprint database designed for mobility applications that require little administration. SymmetricDS will be able to sync these databases together with any of the other 15 supported database dialects.
Multiple Batch Selection
Selecting Multiple Batches
We continue to improve the web management user interface to help you be more productive. You can edit multiple table triggers and set synchronization properties for all of them at once. The Outgoing Batch screen also allows multiple selection to work with more than one batch. Click on the batches while holding the shift or control key, then right-click for a quick menu. Batches can be skipped and ignored if you have already dealt with the error. If underlying data has been changed, the staging file can be cleared to force another extraction.
Easy SSL Setup
Security Made Simple
Security is important for protecting sensitive data and restricting access. We’ve made it easier to secure the HTTP transport of data by adding a checkbox option to the installer. It’s easy to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and specify the port number. The private and public keys are automatically generated and installed for you.
File Synchronization
File Sync Setup
You’ve been syncing all your databases with SymmetricDS, but what about all those files and folders also needed by your application? The big new feature in this release is file synchronization, giving you a single mechanism to sync all your data. You setup file sync by specifying a folder to monitor for changes. The recurse feature will monitor all the files in folders below that folder also. Use regular expressions to include or exclude which files should be synced. You can even specify a BeanShell script to run before and after a file is copied. You specify which nodes will get the files by linking to routers, just like you would do for syncing database tables. The file data syncs in batches the same way too, so you can use the same screens to monitor for errors. There are new file sync jobs and a file sync channel to let you manage the schedule and track file data separately.
When to Expect
We’re targeting a release date this month, within the next few weeks. Some eager customers are already running snapshot versions of 3.5 in production, so we feel confident it will be a solid release. We’re excited to both strengthen our product and expand our offering for a comprehensive data synchronization solution.