What’s New in SymmetricDS 3.12

What’s New in SymmetricDS Pro 3.12

The new release of SymmetricDS Pro 3.12 will help you:

  • Visually design database connections and data replication configuration
  • Replicate changes from SQL-Server using logs or triggers
  • Manage conflicts using time of capture
  • Protect your data with security enhancements
  • Capture and load data with Ingres database

Design Screen

The web console includes a new “Design” tab for a more visual approach to connecting with databases and building configuration. An overview page displays a connected graph of nodes with a summary of how tables are synced in each direction. The user can create new nodes and connect them to additional databases. By drilling deeper on a connection link, the source and target tables are listed by their catalog and schema with a summary of any subsets and transformations.

Log-based Replication for SQL-Server

Flexible database replication lets you choose between log-based or trigger-based change data capture for SQL-Server databases. Log-based data replication is now an option when minimal overhead and high throughput is required. The node wizard sets up log replication and guides you through database permissions needed for log mining. The same powerful configurations are available for either option, including selecting tables, columns, data subsets, conflict management, and data transformation.

Conflicts by Time of Capture

The conflict manager can now detect and resolve conflicts using the time of capture for a row. Previously, to resolve conflicts using time, the user was required to provide a timestamp column on the table, which is not always possible due to application constraints. Other conflict resolvers include node group priority and manually prompting the user. By using the time of capture, the more recent change can be determined for resolving the conflict automatically and maintaining data integrity.

Security Enhancements

Security was improved on multiple levels to ensure data is protected. Roles assigned to users can now be customized with granular permissions to grant minimal access. Password policy defaults were introduced along with a complexity meter to enforce strong password use. The administrator can also enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for use with compatible one-time password (OTP) schemes. For secure transport, the protocol was upgraded to HTTP/2, which improves both security and efficiency. Modules were introduced to install only features that are used, which reduces attack surface and space. Node passwords are now encrypted at rest, and too many failed logins result in a lockout. Registration of new nodes can now be performed on the remote node when a user logs in with the “Allow Registration” privilege.

Ingres Database Support

Replicate data changes with Actian’s Ingres database, a SQL relational database used with large commercial and government applications. The Ingres dialect includes a full set of features, including change data capture, conditional syncing, transformations, and initial loads. Deploy Ingres replication in a cross-platform, heterogeneous environment for data integration in near real time. Or use data loads and schema replication combined with change data capture to migrate between databases with no application downtime.

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