What’s New in SymmetricDS 2.5

What’s New in SymmetricDS Pro 2.5

The new release of SymmetricDS 2.5 will help you:

  • Setup and get running faster
  • Consolidate multiple servers in one SymmetricDS service
  • Synchronize data to the Greenplum database
  • Reduce the time you spend on diagnosing and resolving problems

Easier Installation

The installation and setup were simplified to get you up and running quicker and with fewer snags. First, we changed the installer to do only that… install the software. Select where to install it and create shortcuts. Next, we put the setup in the web interface. Launch the server and open your web browser. The wizard walks you through setting up your first node. Want to setup more nodes? Just run the wizard again to add as many nodes as you need. Config files are created and used automatically for you, but power users will appreciate being able to still edit and tweak files manually.


Now you can run a single SymmetricDS service that manages multiple server engines! This makes it easy to setup replication for new databases and manage them through a single interface. The top right drop-down list lets you instantly switch between servers to manage them. Consolidating multiple servers in the same SymmetricDS service minimizes the amount of memory needed since resources are shared.

Greenplum Database

With the addition of support for the Greenplum database, SymmetricDS can now synchronize and replicate data between 12 database platforms! As a database specializing in enterprise data cloud solutions for large-scale data warehousing and analytics, Greenplum makes a welcome addition to the SymmetricDS line up. As a replication target, data can be loaded to Greenplum, filtered horizontally or vertically, or transformed. An automatic recovery model means that the network can be offline and data will be delivered once connectivity returns, with tracking and notification of batch status.

Better Troubleshooting

The web interface is improved with more troubleshooting tools! A SQL Explorer lets you run adhoc queries on the database so you can examine any data exceptions. No need to bring up a separate database query tool. Current thread activity can be viewed with stack traces for diagnosing scheduler and driver problems. Another screen allows the log file to be viewed and downloaded. These new tools are designed to make access easy when support to remote servers is needed quickly.

New Look and Feel

The fresh new look is backed by an updated web toolkit that has a snappier response in your browser. The new user interface accommodates some of the new features, but you’ll find everything else where you expect it.